
2017-04-30 高中作文




  I think much about my future that it’s good. First of all, I must have a healthy body so that I can work or do anything. I strongly support that saying that the body is the root of the revolution. Besides, I think I will have a harmonious family with my wife and children. I am the support of my family. I must work hard for them, so a good job is necessary. I want to be an engineer that earns a lot. And I will support my parents and my wife’s. From this point, a good job is extremely important. However, I hope I still have some free time for leisure, like traveling or do something I like. In short, I want a peace but rich future with my families.



  My life in the future will be colorful.

  I’m going to be a good doctor after I graduate from the university. I believe I'll bring my family health and happiness.In my spare time,I'll stay with my family.We'll travel a lot and do lots of sports.I'll also read as many books as I can.Even if the work is busy,I won't give up studying.

  I’m sure my dream will come true because of my hard work and the life inthe future will be wonderful.





  I imagine a lot about lives in the future. I think two words can summarize my imagination. The first word is fast. In the future, we will have more quickly transportation means. Now matter how far we go, it takes only a short time. With the development of science and technology, we can travel to the moon, Mars or somewhere outer space. People may can live in other planets. The second word is convenient. Because of the fast development of our society, many work can be done by computers or even robots. Lots of things are fully automated. Humans just need to give some simple instructions to complete complecated tasks.



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