
2019-02-21 考试相关




  英 ['stedɪlɪ] 美 [ˈstɛdəlɪ]

  steadily 基本解释

  副词 稳定地; 持续地; 稳固地

  steadily 相关例句

  1. Unemployment has risen steadily.



  1. Ports'business operations on the mainland have been growing steadily, thanks to the blistering economic development there.

  2. And the void left by the absence of good schools is steadily being filled by suspect ones.

  3. In 2012, the tourism market in Lijiang grew and cableway businesses expanded steadily.

  4. The top statistics official's pledge to steadily reform the method of calculating the country's house sale prices in 2011 is welcome.

  5. Yet, the Chinese top men's singles player retained his calmness to claw back slowly but steadily.

  6. Cancer diagnoses around the world have steadily been rising and are expected to hit 12 million this year.

  7. " China's domestic supply capacity in iron ore is growing steadily as new mines start operation, " the statement said.

  8. Some outmoded production capacity was eliminated, production of unmarketable goods decreased and the sales rate of products rose steadily.

  9. Radiocarbon dating depends on measuring the radioactive isotope of carbon known as carbon 14, which is ingested during a lifetime and steadily decays after death.


  1. In fact, the study to the hyperpycnal flow is very useful to the steadily of the down-stream and the full use of it.


  2. At the camp in southern Darfur that Gadgil and Galitsky visited, women walk three hours to the edge of the forest, which is steadily receding as refugees strip the landscape clean.


  3. Reflector with the curvature changed automaticly make the focus`s place fixed permanently and make it possible to cut the sheet, thin or thick, quickly and steadily.


  4. In these industries, the average cost curve declines steadily with higher volume, and the profits made on sales beyond the break-even point are substantial.


  5. As more and more people choose to lease Class A residential rental market prices will steadily.



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