
2019-02-19 考试相关




  英 [ˈpi:sfl] 美 [ˈpisfəl]

  形容词 和平的; 平静的; 安静的; 爱好和平的



  1. It's peaceful at home when the children are at school.


  2. The hillsides looked very peaceful.



  1. Their existence poses a serous threat to peaceful life and disrupts normal business operations.

  2. When China and Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978, they resolved to settle all their disputes by peaceful means.

  3. Since the row over Huangyan Island between China and the Philippines in April, the South China Sea has by and large remained peaceful and calm.

  4. China's road of peaceful development is by no means an expedient choice.

  5. If the problem cannot be solved by peaceful means, then it must be solved by force.

  6. We have consistently called for settling international disputes by peaceful means and opposed the use of force.

  7. " The protests were by no means peaceful, " Gleason said.

  8. Beijing proposes to settle the Taiwan issue by peaceful means but does not rule out the use of force.

  9. The peaceful atmosphere is then broken as the crowd is suddenly taken by surprise with loud fireworks and striking drums.


  1. 和平的;不诉诸战争的

  Peaceful activities and situations do not involve war.

  e.g. He has attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Ossetian conflict...


  e.g. They emphasised that their equipment was for peaceful and not military purposes.


  2. 和平的;非暴力的;未引起骚乱的

  Peaceful occasions happen without violence or serious disorder.

  e.g. The farmers staged a noisy but peaceful protest outside the headquarters of the organization...


  e.g. Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful.


  3. 平和的;爱好和平的

  Peaceful people are not violent and try to avoid quarrelling or fighting with other people.

  e.g. ...warriors who killed or enslaved the peaceful farmers.


  4. 宁静的;平静的;无人打扰的

  A peaceful place or time is quiet, calm, and free from disturbance.

  e.g. ...a peaceful Georgian house in the heart of Dorset...


  e.g. Mornings are usually quiet and peaceful in Hueytown.



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