
2019-02-19 考试相关




  英 [ˈtɪmɪd] 美 [ˈtɪmɪd]


  形容词 胆小的; 羞怯的; 怕人; 羞手羞脚



  1. The timid girl didn't want to meet the new children in the neighborhood.


  2. He does not like his job, but is too timid to try to find another.



  1. They are by nature a timid species - a whiff of strong wind or a squeak too loud will frighten them.

  2. The more timid among us can celebrate the new season with loud, sparkly accessories over a more muted overall look.

  3. From his lonely position as an early Republican critic of the Iraq war, former Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel sometimes lectured his more timid US Senate colleagues.

  4. WASHINGTON - From his lonely position as an early Republican critic of the Iraq war, former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel sometimes lectured his more timid Senate colleagues.

  5. The common moorhen is a cute but timid bird that always flies away when people approach.

  6. These thieves dared to steal in broad daylight and even stab the driver because passengers were too timid and selfish.

  7. On the desktop of Li's laptop were some pictures of rural houses and children with timid expressions.

  8. The ending at the cemetery of martyrs and the timid political instructor appear to have come from Ryan.

  9. The grocery manager didn't seem to be a villain but the ruthlessness she demonstrated toward the hungry and timid girl is outrageous.


  1. I was a timid girl, how can I do?


  2. I guess that's why I'm so timid.


  3. My friends know that I am timid, so she introduced me to a friend.


  4. Naughty, uneasy, deaf to others` words, always forgetting or losing things, timid, intent to importunate, particular about food, intent to cry, sucking or biting fingers, mislaying character components, even ignorant about the characters, forgetful, ignorant about calculation, writing numbers or characters upside down, mislining, scatterbrained, and restless in class.


  5. Ivan's mother was scared by a canary when she carried him in her womb. Ivan the Terrible---Ivan the Timid One.



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