
2019-02-18 考试相关




  [si:n] 美 [sin]



  名词 场面,现场; (戏剧的)一场; 景色,风景; 事件



  1. Did you make a scene with her?


  2. The scene of this story is Germany during World War I.


  3. What a fantastic mountain scene!


  4. The scene of this play is set in Ireland.



  1. He said he believes Yeung's handheld radio was also functioning properly at the fire scene, though two firemen complained that the radio line was busy.

  2. Elkins secured a discarded cigarette butt from Earl Gene Mann, and DNA on it matched evidence found at the crime scene.

  3. Bergen was buzzing with quality musicians and diverse music scene and it was here she planted her roots.

  4. The natural scene was found by accident by local villagers in 2006 and some animal fossils were also found in the cavern.

  5. He was kissed by George Clooney on the lips in a scene out of The Descendants and even ate a tainted pie from The Help.

  6. The role was a break for Duran who says China's increasingly competitive acting scene has made it more difficult for foreign actors to find roles.

  7. But firefighters did not reach the scene until half an hour later, by which time the store owner's son had perished in the blaze.

  8. The truck driver had fled the scene by the time rescuers arrived.

  9. " This is the largest cache of intelligence derived from the scene of any single terrorist, " Donilon said.


  1. (戏剧、书的)场面,片段;(电影)镜头

  A scene in a play, film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place.

  e.g. I found the scene in which Percy proposed to Olive tremendously poignant.


  e.g. ...the opening scene of 'A Christmas Carol'.


  2. (给人以某种印象的)景象,场景,场面

  You refer to a place as a scene when you are describing its appearance and indicating what impression it makes on you.

  e.g. It's a scene of complete devastation...


  e.g. Thick black smoke billowed over the scene...


  3. (通过画面显示的或看到的)事件,场面,情景

  You can describe an event that you see, or that is broadcast or shown in a picture, as a scene of a particular kind.

  e.g. There were emotional scenes as the refugees enjoyed their first breath of freedom...


  e.g. Television broadcasters were warned to exercise caution over depicting scenes of violence...


  4. (事情发生的)地点,现场

  The scene of an event is the place where it happened.

  e.g. The area has been the scene of fierce fighting for three months...

  这一地区 3 个月以来不断发生激战。

  e.g. ...traces left at the scene of a crime...



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