
2015-12-01 考试相关




  英 [ˈstju:pɪd] 美 [ˈstu:pɪd]


  形容词 愚蠢的; 迟钝的; 乏味的; 晕眩的,昏迷不醒的

  名词 <口>傻子,笨蛋



  1. It is stupid to do such a thing.


  2. The sailor was stupid with liquor.


  3. It was a stupid book.



  1. I might be the most stupid businessman who will guard the feminine hygiene business to the end.

  2. Anthony conceded it " sounds stupid " that a man wielding what appeared to be a bloody chain saw could not be detained.

  3. The White House had declined comment on the measure, but other Republicans have denounced it as childish and stupid.

  4. " I know I've been really stupid and childish, " she admitted.

  5. Though I'm getting used to the conveniences of shopping alone, sometimes it's difficult to avoid making stupid decisions without a companion.

  6. I am sure once we know which these greedy, crooked and stupid banks are people will rush to withdraw their deposits from them.

  7. But after a while the effect overreaches and the male begins making stupid decisions.

  8. Blind worship of diplomas nowadays is as stupid as general phobia against intellectuals in the decades before 1978.

  9. What stupid and crazy things did you do in your youthful days?

  10. " Everyone do stupid things sometimes when they're drunk, " he said.


  1. God, why is Somebody so stupid? I am a Christian.


  2. Look, I had this stupid idea in my head that...that I'm losing you.


  3. Brushing your teeth, make a stupid face and get out of the house, spend those kinds of days


  4. You are like a big, stupid dog|who can't stop eating...


  5. Either Susan wanted to die, or she was both fat and stupid.


  6. I have a necklace I bought at the place I cheated on my husband. I wear it when he tells me I'm fat, ugly and stupid to remind me that someone once thought I was beautiful.


  7. Piers, Dennis, Malcolm, and Gordon were all big and stupid, but as Dudley was the biggest and stupidest of the lot, he was the leader.


  8. Did she think he'd somehow be less worthy of her stupid hero-worship if he were gay?


  9. I have not eaten, I feel that my 宝宝 is not stupid, huh, huh Oh!!



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