to address是什么意思及如何造句

2019-02-20 中考语文参考

  address有演说;从事的意思相信大家都知道,那么to address是什么意思呢?现在来学习to address的意思及如何运用造句吧,希望能够帮到大家!

  to address的意思



  1. The address strobe output (ADSTB) of the 8237 clocks the address (A15-A8) into latch D during the DMA action so that the entire DMA transfer address becomes available on the address bus.


  2. To associate an absolute address, virtual address or device identifier with a symbolic address or label in a computer program.


  to address的网络释义

  The name and business address or office address of the developer


  address style address type


  one-address computer single-address computer


  to address的双语例句

  1. If you change your name, address or telephone number, your medical record will need to be updated.


  2. NTOURS GLOBAL】can offer a mass of information of drive tour and travels, according to the real information from the scenic spots, we collect the drive routes, open time and tickets price of national parks, introduction of city scenic spots, Address and price of good restaurants, shopping malls and coupons, traffic rules of different states etc which could offer to our members.

  驾游天下-NTOURS GLOBAL】提供丰富的驾车和自由旅行旅游资讯,以实地资讯为依据,对所搜集的详实信息进行重组、整合处理。内容涵盖自驾线路参考;国家公园开放时间和门票价格;城市景区的热点介绍;四色美食的餐厅地址和价格;购物天堂的各类特色商店;直销名店的地址和折扣优惠券;驾游目的国的交通规则和风土人情等各种驾游资讯的综合在线平台。

  3. It would be a great deal easier just to remember the PDO address when you first create the device object.


  4. Provide a unique forum to address and resolve issues affecting the worldwide automotive supply chain.


  5. According to the analysis, a new algorithm is presented which is based on the idea of moving the data stream with address computation.


  6. A need to access the instruction address stream.


  7. A match in the slave address serial data stream must be made with the Address input in order to initiate communication with the SN74LVCU04APW.


  8. Into the algorithm, first-out (2) at least recently used algorithm (3) the best out of algorithm In this experiment, the page address stream length of 320, the page number for each failure to visit the corresponding instructions, the instructions corresponding to the number of pages is not memory.


  9. As the information pertinent to the third AV stream, the address information of a source packet of the first AV stream at a timing of switching from the first AV stream to the third AV stream and the address information of a source packet of the second AV stream at a timing of switching from the third AV stream to the second AV stream, are generated.


  10. If there is anything you are not clear about the device, address your inquiry to our head office.


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