
2019-01-07 行业招聘信息


  定期存款的条件为年利6%, 存期6个月以上,只要金额1,000元,我们均乐意接受。

  We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a.


  Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal.


  We shall be glad to receive deposits of 100 yen and upward.



  Enclosed we hand you a statement of account to date, showing a balance of $20,000 in our favour, which we trust will be found in order.


  This account is under examination, and if found correct, it shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions.


  Your favour of yesterday was duly received, and we hand you herewith a statement of your account as requested, which we hope you will find correct.


  We hand you our account on the bar iron, amounting to $512,000, which kindly pass to our credit.


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