
2019-01-07 公共英语


  • 英语角活动时间:

  • 活动地点:

  • 组织者:

  • 是否有外籍专家参加:


  • 英语角活动时间:每周三晚上7点至9点30分

  • 活动地点:第三教学楼前广场

  • 组织者:英语系

  • 是否有外籍专家参加:约10名英、美等国的外籍教师参加


  1. When will the English Corner be held?

  It will be held every Wednesday evening from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.


  2. Where will it be held? / Where is it?

  It will be held in the square in front of the 3rd classroom building.


  3. Who organizes the activity?/Who is the organizer?

  The English Department. 谁组织的?/英语系。

  4. Are there any foreign experts who will take part in the activity? Who are they?

  Yes. About 10 foreign teachers from the UK and the US will go to the English corner.

  有外籍专家参加吗?都有谁?/ 有。有10个左右美国和英国外教会去英语角。


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