
2023-05-24 英语阅读



  1. 选A.第1段解释了她这一举动的用意:She wanted to help poor students.她这样做都是为了要帮助贫困学生,所以答案为A.

  2. 选A.从第2段我们知道Oseola McCarty是一个poor 86-year-old woman.她在8岁时就不得不离开学校来帮助养家,可知她的家里也是贫穷的。她出生在Hattiesburg, Mississippi.可见这里应该离the University of Southern Mississippi不远。所以A项是正确的。

  3. 选D.在第3段我们知道McCarty never married or had children. 她一直自己一个人生活,因此D项是正确的。

  4. 选C.在第3段作者介绍了她的简单生活。她只工作和去教堂,她只读她的圣经,她有一部黑白电视机但不怎么看,而且它只有一个频道。可见她并没有很多的爱好,所以说她的生活是simple life.答案选择C.

  5. 选D.McCarty出生在1908年,死于1999年,享年91岁,所以选项A错误;在第2段可以知道她洗衣服for nearly 80 years,所以选项B错误;最后一段我们知道She left money to the church, her relatives, and the university.所以选项C也是错误的;而因为她所做的这些贡献,She received many honors. 所以D是正确的。



  1. 选C.从第1段中的句子She has no time to go to school可知,她根本没有去上学。故选C.

  2. 选B.短文第3段中介绍了全球70%被水覆盖,但只有1%才是饮用淡水。而世界上的很多国家和地区都缺水。所以选B项,即我们的生活用水很少。

  3. 选D.由第5段中的句子Dirty rain, called acid rain, is also bad for plants animals and buildings.可知,acid rain(酸雨)的危害很大。 故答案选D.

  4. 选A.A选项与C选项相互矛盾,则必有一个为正确选项。而从第3点建议(advice)可知,你可以沐浴只须五分钟来节约用水,若用10分钟则是浪费水。故选A.

  5. 选C.读完全文我们知道地球上的水资源有限,所以大家都要节约用水。故选C.


  Napoga is a 12-year-old girl in Ghana(加纳), Africa. It is hard for her family to get cleanwater. Every morning, she leaves home at half past five to get clean water for her family in avillage far away. It takes her six hours to get enough clean water for daily(日常) cooking anddrinking. She has no time to go to school or to play with her friends. Millions of people in theworld are like Napoga. They can‘t get enough clean water to keep healthy.

  Earth Day is April 22. But on all other days, we must also remember it. The water we useis the most important natural resource(自然资源) on the earth.

  Water covers 70% of the earth‘s surface(表面)。 But most of that is sea water. We can’tuse it for very many things. Fresh water covers only 1% of the earth‘s surface.

  You probably feel lucky that your life isn‘t as hard as Napoga’s. But that doesn‘t mean youdon’t have to worry about water. We all face serious water problems. One of them is waterpollution. All kinds of things from cars, factories, farms and homes make our rivers, lakes,and oceans dirty. Polluted water is very bad for people to drink. And dirty water is bad for fish,too. Now, 34% of all kinds of fish are dying out.

  How do cars and factories make our water dirty? First, they pollute the air. Then, when itrains, the rain water comes down and makes our drinking water dirty. Dirty rain, called acidrain(酸雨), is also bad for plants, animals and buildings.

  Scientists say that in 30 years, more than half of the people in the world won‘t haveenough clean water. We have to learn how to save more water for ourselves and our children.Here is some advice for saving water:

  ●Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. You can save as much as 450 liters(升)each month.

  ●Leaky taps(漏水的龙头) waste a lot of water. Fix them right away!

  ●You can easily cut your 10-minute showers(沐浴) in half—and you‘ll be just as clean.

  ●When you wash dishes, don‘t let the water run.

  ●Only wash clothes when you have a lot to wash. If your washing machine isn‘t full, you’rewasting water!


  1. Every morning Napoga went to get clean water _______.

  A. before she went to school B. after she finished school

  C without going to school D. after she played with her friends

  2. On the earth, _______.

  A. sea water is widely used than fresh water B. there is very little water for our living

  C. there is 71% of fresh water D. we don‘t need to worry about water

  3. Acid rain _______.

  A. is only bad for living things

  B. can be produced in factories

  C. doesn‘t do harm to people, but it’s bad for plants,animals and buildings

  D. doesn‘t just do harm to human beings but to ani-mals,plants and buildings

  4. Which of the following wastes water?

  A. We need ten minutes if we want a clean shower.

  B. We should put in enough clothes when we wash them in washing machines.

  C. You can keep yourself clean by having a shower for five minutes.

  D. Don‘t let the water run when we brush our teeth and wash dishes.

  5. What‘s the main idea of the passage?

  A. Something must be done to prevent water form be-ing polluted.

  B. Clean water means much to human beings and living things around us.

  C. It‘s time to take care of the water we use.

  D. Water is the most important natural resource on the earth.


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