
2019-01-07 生活文摘




  英 [dru:] 美 [dru]



  1. Drew Barrymore also stunned onlookers by sporting tufts of hair under her arms at a New York fashion show in 2005.

  2. But a strong return by the Belgian drew an error from Li.

  3. Lu also drew attention to the subject of cafeteria establishment and management, adding that publicity is needed to ensure information remains available to the public.

  4. Zhu drew his inspiration for this vessel from the legend of a celestial being who flew to the heavens in a canoe.

  5. Operational synergies and capital generation through asset sales also drew executives'attention.

  6. Volatility in major commodities amid the global financial crisis drew more speculative capital and increased demand for futures as a form of risk management.

  7. Capitol and drove congressional leaders into safe but secret locations while it drew bipartisan vows of retaliation.

  8. I have to say that I drew the line at getting a capsaicin molecule tattoo.

  9. The accident drew an angry reaction from the owners of the Chinese cargo ship Sunday.


  1. He is already more gentle. You noticed that he was afraid and drew back from the soldiers.


  2. But he was keenly aware that he drew such attention only because he was the last.


  3. From Jeremiah, too, the exilic editor drew his information, which he presented in briefer form.


  4. He sank a soft turnaround jumper, rimmed out a baby hook and drew a foul on his third attempt.



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