
2019-01-07 生活文摘





  读音如音标所示:英 [zu:] 美 [zu]


  1. Shackle, was taken from a zoo to a Texas church where it rode out the storm with other worried residents.

  这头名叫 Shackle 的狮子被从一个动物园迁移到这个田纳西教堂,在这里,它和其他担心不已的居民共同安全熬过飓风的袭击。

  2. There is a monkey show in the zoo today.


  3. Afterwards you can go to the neighbouring zoo.


  4. Afterwards you can go to the neighboring zoo.


  5. I'd like to introduce some endangered animals in the zoo to you.


  6. This is the entrance to the zoo.


  7. I took the penguin to the zoo`s office.



  1. Instead of buying it at full price at department stores, she tries to find them at places such as the zoo market.

  2. Buzzing with success over the first panda cub born at Zoo Atlanta, veterinarians were on birth watch Thursday for a possible twin sibling.

  3. Zoo visitors are now lining up to take a photo with the mynah in its cage and laugh heartily when it shouts at uncivilized visitors.

  4. Four officers hunted down and shot the animal after police got a 911 call from a zoo employee.

  5. Her arrival in 2006 brought thousands more visitors to the zoo and millions of clicks to an online panda cam.

  6. Panda fans have been keeping up with the duo on the zoo Web site's panda cam and live video feeds at the exhibit.

  7. Millions of people around the world watched Hua Mei grow up via the Zoo's Panda Cam.


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