
2019-01-07 生活文摘




  clear weather;

  weather;英音 [ 'weðə ] ; 美音 [ 'weðə ]



  v. [I,T]





  同义词:upwind;endure,brave,brave out;atmospheric condition condition。


  "The day is clear and dry, and it is sunny and warm all the time. "


  Los angeles weather is clear, temperature is 70*F.


  The weather stayed dry at Wimbledon on Tuesday and some of the top seeds took full advantage.


  It’s sunny (rainy, cloudy, stormy, windy, cool, warm, cold, nice/fine, clear, hot today, isn’t it?


  On a clear day, you can see the ships far out to sea, until they get beyond the horizon


  The day of the wedding dawned perfect and clear. Cognac wore a white collar and purple satin bow tie.



  1. 所以,长时间的事件,如晴朗的天气持续,他准备放松自己。

  So long at all event, as the fine weather lasted he was prepared to enjoy himself.

  2. 就像今天,天气预报为晴朗的一日,但是就在我们刚完成为甲板刷上第一层防滑漆的同时,天空飘起雨来。

  Just today, a day with no rain forecast, the rain hit just after we put a coat of non-skid paint on the deck.

  3. 这天天气晴朗,空气清新,和风拂拂,温暖舒畅。

  This day of clear weather, the air is fresh, the gentle breeze touches lightly, warm happy.

  4. 今天天气晴朗,是去野外郊游的好时候。

  It is sunny today. It is a good time to go on a field trip.

  5. 在这个炎热的夏天,天气是干燥的,但天空很晴朗。

  In this hot summer, the weather is so dry, but the sky is clear.

  6. 确切地说,普罗旺斯的冬季虽然寒冷,但日照充足。十一月底,天空晴朗湛蓝,阳光普照、万里无云,如果不考虑温度的因素,简直和五月没什么分别。按福斯坦的话说,天气好得这么反常,老天爷一定居心叵测。

  Provence has been accurately described as a cold country with a high rate of sunshine, and the last days of November were as bright and as blue as May, clean and exhilarating and, as far as Faustin was concerned, profoundly ominous.

  7. 周末珀斯了解天气:晴朗的天气,并设置潮湿的底座带领出数以千计的冲浪者,水手,和日光浴者,在这届运动会狂欢,强烈平等主义的城市,百分之八十以上的河流是临街公共绿地。

  On weekends Perth hits its stride: Fine weather and a watery setting bring out thousands of surfers, sailors, and sunbathers. In this sports-mad, fiercely egalitarian city, more than 80 percent of river frontage is public parkland.

  8. 一天晴朗的春天的午后,我因为天气太好,坐在家里,觉得闷不过,吃过了较迟的午饭,带了几个零用钱,就跑出外面去逛去。

  Spring day, sunny afternoon, I have good weather, sitting at home, feeling nausea, however, eaten a late lunch, with a few pocket money, they ran out of teach you to go.

  9. 如何若有所思,我会跑江湖码头领导人在晴朗的天气,并观察临别船舶,必将遥远温暖,与渴望的眼睛,我的目光后,减少帆,和自己的想象力飘荡到天涯海角!

  How wistfully would I wander about the pier-heads in fine weather, and watch the parting ships, bound to distant climes—with what longing eyes would I gaze after their lessening sails, and waft myself in imagination to the ends of the earth!

  10. 在星期二,早间将会很晴朗,很温暖,在下午,它将会很热,好天气又来了!!

  In Monday, it is going to be moderate rain in the morning, the wind is not very big.

  11. 我喜欢晴朗的天气。

  I like a sunny day.


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