
2019-03-22 生活文摘




  Each has its own characteristics;

  You're right! Different people have different characteristics .(这样翻译最洁净,用词最少,可以使人较快领悟)

  如果再生涩一些 还可以翻译为

  You're right! / I could not agree with you more (我很赞同你的意思) They have their own characteristics .


  Spring:Spring always means everything begins to grow in our mind.Animals wake up from the long winter,and plants begin to grow.The tempreture begins to raise up.

  Summer:The deepest impression about summer in our mind is hot.Most of people wear T shirt on the street.Plants are growth in very high speed.

  Autumn:Autumn can be wonderful,bright,crisp days with brilliant blue skies,Leaves turn to different colors and fall off the trees. Autumn also means harvest for us.

  Winter:Winter is a symble of snow and cold day.Animals always keep slience in Winter.But we need to remember that without winter,no one would appreciate and love the summer so much.


  April 1st is a day on which 。in some countries ,people try to play tricks on others。if one succeeds in tricking someone,one laughs and says April Fool! and then the person who was tricked usually laughs too。

  one April 1st a country bus was going along a winding road when it slowed down and stopped。The driver anxiously turned switches and pressed buttons,but nothing happend 。Then he turned to the passengers with a worried look on his face and said this poor bus is getting old 。It isn't going as well as it used to。there is only one thing to do if we want to go home today 。I will count three。I want you all to lean forward suddenly as hard as you can 。 This should get the bus started again but if ot doesn t ,I am afraid there is nothing else Ican do。Now,all of you lean back as far as you can in yourseats and get ready。

  The passengers all pressed back against their seats and waited anxiously

  Then the driver turned to his front and asked, Are you ready?The passengers barely ,had enough breath to answer, Yes!。

  One Two Three! counted the driver 。The passengers all leant forward suddenly and the bus started up at a great speed。

  The passengers breathed more easily and began to smile with relief 。But their smile turned to trouble and laughter when the driver merrily cried, April fool!


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