
2019-02-17 生活文摘




  形容词 较小的; 较少的(little的比较级); 较次的,较劣的; 较不重要的

  副词 较少地,较小地

  介词 减去; 少掉; 不足

  名词 较少,较小


  1. I was given less cake and fewer biscuits than she had.


  2. He has less strength than I.



  1. Jane's less beautiful than Mary.


  2. Thunderstorms are much less common in Ireland than in England.



  1. She stayed a month less two days.



  1. I could do no less.



  1. (数量)较小(或少)的;更小(或少)的(前面可用a little,a lot,a bit,far和much等修饰)

  You use less to indicate that there is a smaller amount of something than before or than average. You can use 'a little', 'a lot', 'a bit', 'far', and 'much' in front of less.

  e.g. People should eat less fat to reduce the risk of heart disease.


  e.g. ...a dishwasher that uses less water and electricity than older machines...


  2. (用在数字或数量前)少于,低于,比…少

  You use less than before a number or amount to say that the actual number or amount is smaller than this.

  e.g. Motorways actually cover less than 0.1 percent of the countryside...


  e.g. Less than a half hour later he returned upstairs.


  3. (某一特性的程度与以往或一般情况相比)较轻地,较差地

  You use less to indicate that something or someone has a smaller amount of a quality than they used to or than is average or usual.

  e.g. I often think about those less fortunate than me...


  e.g. Other amenities, less commonly available, include a library and exercise room...


  4. 不像…(更像…);与其说…(倒不如说…)

  If you say that something is less one thing than another, you mean that it is like the second thing rather than the first.

  e.g. At first sight it looked less like a capital city than a mining camp...


  e.g. Trades union leadership in those days was less a career than a vocation.


  5. (做得)较少,更少

  If you do something less than before or less than someone else, you do it to a smaller extent or not as often.

  e.g. We are eating more and exercising less...


  e.g. I see less of any of my friends than I used to.



  1. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the real difference between an open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.


  2. Visitors to buy around the country and out of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo E capsule (4 off) The above class tickets can be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Ningbo, among the four fee-free changes to transfer, subject to the padded-pocket price and the difference between real open space of the Ticket, the difference charge principle: multi-rebate less complement; applicable to flight date of March 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010; leg for changes of venue box office directly under Hainan Airlines, the airport counter.


  3. In the first decade of the 21st century, the GNP will double that of the year 2000, the people will enjoy an even Better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into Being


  4. According to the new subject idea and its special circumstances, the article which combines the new evaluation idea of senior history with the teaching method in the western mountains area in Shijiazhuang, puts forward a new idea about the school work evaluation devolepment of senior history, and offers a refrence for the teachers who are working in the local areas and those who are working in the less developed areas.


  5. So I think I was deceived by the one who sold Hei Hei to me: He said Hei Hei would be less than 1 feet long...



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