
2019-01-07 智力测试


  (11)We couldn’t catch up with the others because they _____too long before us.

  A.started B.were starting C.have started D.had started

  (12)She felt anxious about her son as she ________for quite a long time. A.haven't heard him B. hadn’t heard him C.haven‘t heard from him D. hadn’t heard from him (13)By the time the speaker entered the hall, all the listeners_______. A. had seated B. were seated C. seated D. were seating (14)By the end of next July this building__________. A. will be finished B. will have finished C. will have been finished D. had been finished (15)By the time the war ____, most of the people had left. A.was began B. was broken out C.broke out D. had been broken out (16)If she ______harder, she would have succeeded. A. had worked B. have worked C. should work D. worked (17)I wish ______I you yesterday. A. seen B. did see C. had seen D. were to see (18)He is talking so much about America as if he _______ there. A. had been B.has been C. was D. been(19)That dinner was the most expensive meal we___. A. would have B. have had C. had never had D. had ever had (20)When Jack arrived he learned Mary ______for almost an hour. A. had gone B. had set of C. had left D. had been away.

  【答案解析】(11)—(15)D D B C C (16)—(20)A C A D D


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