
2015-08-16 音乐论文

  导语:《the call》是Regina Spektor演唱歌曲,为电影《纳尼亚传奇2:凯斯宾王子》的片尾曲。以下是小编带来的音乐知识,希望对您有所帮助。


  Regina Spektor

  (It started out as a feeling

  Which then grew into a hope

  Which then turned into a quiet thought

  Which then turned into a quiet word

  And then that word grew louder and louder

  'Til it was a battle cry

  I'll come back

  When you call me

  No need to say goodbye

  Just because everything's changing

  Doesn't mean it's never

  Been this way before

  All you can do is try to know

  Who your friends are

  As you head off to the war

  Pick a star on the dark horizon

  And follow the light

  You'll come back

  When it's over

  No need to say good bye

  You'll come back

  When it's over

  No need to say good bye

  Now we're back to the beginning

  It's just a feeling and now one knows yet

  But just because they can't feel it too

  Doesn't mean that you have to forget

  Let your memories grow stronger and stronger

  'Til they're before your eyes

  You'll come back

  When they call you

  No need to say good bye

  You'll come back

  When they call you

  No need to say good bye


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