
2023-10-31 英语教案





Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?



基本词汇:restroom, stamp, bookstore, postcard, pardon, washroom, bathroom, normal, rush, suggest, staff, grape, central, mail, east, fascinating, convenient, mall, clerk, corner, polite, politely, speaker, request, direction, correct, direct, whom, address, underground

基本句型:Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?

Sure. There’s a supermarket down the street.

Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?

Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there.

I wonder where we should go next.

Could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening?

You should try that new ride over there.




3、情感目标: 培养学生尊重他人,对人有礼貌,热爱生活。







Section A 1 (1a-2d)

Step 1 Warming –up


Step 2 Presentation

(1)Guessing game

Show pictures to the whole class, one student explains the places in English and another one who doesn’t look at the blackboard guesses what place it is. For example, one student say: We can save money or exchange money in this place, another one guess it is a bank. Get students to guess the places like bank, post office, bookstore, museum, bathroom, washroom, mall and so on.

(2)Show some stamps to students and present the new sentences:

Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?

Could you please tell me where I can get a dictionary?

Do you know where I can get some magazines?

Step 3 Practice

1) Match each thing with a place in the picture in 1a.

2) Read the phrases.

___ get some money

___ get some magazines

___ have dinner

___ get a dictionary

___ get some information about the town

___ buy a newspaper

___ buy some stamps

___ get a pair of shoes

Step 4 Listening

Listen and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a. Then check the answers with the whole class.

Step 5 Practice

Make conversations using the information in 1a. Then talk about your own city. For example:

A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?

B: Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street. The bookstore is on your right, beside the bank.

A: Thanks. Do you know when the bookstore closes today?

B: It closes at 7:00 p.m. today.

A: Thank you!

B: You’re welcome.

Step 6 Listening

1. Listen and number the directions in the order that you hear them.

2a You will hear some of the directions below. Number the directions in the order you hear them.

___ Go to the bird floor.

___ Turn left.

___ Go to the second floor.

___ Turn right.

___ The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.

___ Go past the bookstore.

2. Listen again. Show how the boy walks to the supermarket. Draw a line in the picture in 2a. Then get one student draw the line on the blackboard.

3. Listen the third time and answer the questions.

1) Excuse me, can you tell me where I can buy some medicine?

2) Do you know how to go there?

3) OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know when this shopping center closes tonight?

4) OK, thanks a lot.

Step 7 Pairwork

Make conversations about the other places in the picture in 2a.

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where I can buy some stamps?

B: Yes, there’s a post office in this shopping center.

A: Do you know how to go there?

B: Yes. Go to the third floor and turn right. Then go past the bank. The post office is between museum and library. You should be able to get stamps.

A: OK, great. Oh, and one more thing. Do you know …

B: I’m not sure, but you …

A: OK, thanks a lot.

B: You’re welcome.

Step 8 Reading

1. Read the conversation in 2d and answer the questions.

2. Role – play the conversation.

3. Explain the language pints in 2d.

(1) Go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.

1) until和 till同义为“直到……” ,till多用于口语,until可以放在句首,till则不能放在句首。

2) not...until“直到……才”,表示直到某一时间, 某一行为才发生, 之前该行为并没有发生。

e.g. I did not study English until 9 o"clock last night.

(2) Pardon? Restroom? You already want to rest? But we haven’t even started yet!

1) pardon用作动词,后面既可以跟宾语,也可以跟双宾语;pardon sb. for doing sth.意为“原谅/宽恕某人做某事”

e.g. Can you pardon me for not passing the exam, Mom?

2) 在没有听懂对方的话,请对方重复一 下时也可说 pardon。

e.g. Pardon? I’m sorry I can’t follow you.

(3) I’m excited to try the rides!

excited和 exciting的区别:

1) excited意为“激动的.;兴奋的”,作表语时,主语通常是人;作定语时,常用来修饰人,说明激动的表情。

e.g. All of us were excited when we heard the good news.

The excited child opened his present quickly.

2) exciting意为“激动人心的”,作表语时,主语通常是物;作定语时,常用来修饰物。

e.g. The movie is very exciting.

My father told me an exciting story.

(4) I mean … you know, a washroom or bathroom.


1) 有……的意思,指(多作及物动词),其后可跟名词或代词,也可跟从句。

e.g. What does this word mean?


e.g. Carl really could not do that — it would mean the end of his career.



e.g. I never meant to hurt you.





A Let’s try Let’s talk C Let’s wrap it up





3、能在情境中运用句型“Where is the ? ”问路,帮助学生学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位。达到简单的交际。



难点:能在情境中运用句型“Where is the ? It’s near/next to/behind…”问路,指路,帮助学生学会运用词组“near, next to, behind”等表述方位。达到简单的交际。




1、Warm———up (热身及预习展示)师生自由问答:

T:Hello,nice to meet you!

Ss:Nice to meet you,too!

T:What"s the weather like today?

Ss:It"s sunny!

T:Good!What"s this in English?

Ss:A book。

T:Yes,It"s my book。Where can we buy the book?

Ss: The bookstore。

2、Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)

(1)教师在黑板上画一座房子和一个机器人,指着机器人说:Who’s that?学生回答:It’s Robin。

再指着房子说:Where can we find Robin? 学生回答:In the museum。

教师出示感叹句:What a great museum!

(2)教师出示一张明信片,说:\"It’s a post card。Robin want to sent a post card。Where should he go?” 引出单词post office。

(3)教师出示一张地图,问学生:“Where is the post office?”出示单词:next to, near, behind。 教师利用三个例句结合图片理解next to, near, behind。


(5)Let’s try 教师让学生阅读听力题目,然后听录音独立完成内容。




1) 教师和学生用所学的日常用语打招呼Hello!Hi!Nice to meet you。 What’s your name?

How old are you? What is it?

2) 学生之间用日常用语打招呼。


1) 教师呈现小鸭子图的一部分(一只小鸭子的头),问:What’s this?多数学生可以答出:It’s a duck。

2) 呈现图的整体 :四只鸭子, 教师自问自答: What are they? They are ducks。教师带读“What are they?” 强调they的发音要咬舌头。

3) 引导学生看图用What are they?提问,教师回答:They are ducks。强调ducks中[s]的音。小组进行问答练习。

4) 教师将几本书卷起来拿在手中引导学生用What are they?提问,然后找学生回答,教师要适时提醒book—books的演变。

5) 教师出示图片:4 ducks、5 desks、3 bikes、3 clocks、7 books。学生两人一组用What are they? They are…进行问答练习。

6) 请尽可能多的同学到前面作展示,教师要及时纠正学生对话中关于名词复数变化的发音。


1) 教师出示Learn to say部分的视频课件, 学生观看,了解对话情景。

2) 教师提问:Are they ducks? Are they geese? Are they swans?学生回答:Yes,they are。或No, they aren’t。

3) 播放对话跟读课件,学生逐句重复听到的句子。教师适时强调Are they…?读升调。

4) 学生之间进行对话练习:一个人扮演儿子,一个人扮演爸爸。

5) 请几组学生到前面展示。


1)学生将课前准备的Let’s practise部分的图片排列在桌子上,问:What are they?教师说:They are … 学生迅速选出有关内容的图片并举起, 比比看, 谁的反应快。


请一位同学选择任意一张图片到前面,不让其他同学看到图片内容,提问:What are they?班内其他同学用They are…猜猜图片内容。猜对的同学可以到前面来请班里的同学猜自己的卡片。此活动也可以以小组为单位进行。


Lesson 1

What are they? They’re (Let’s practise部分的图片,下方标有相应的单词, 复数变化)

duck + s = ducks cake + s = cakes


Language Goal:

Talk about what people are doing.

Teaching Aims:

The present Progressive (结构式: Be + V-ing )

Key Points:

---What’s he doing ?

---He’s reading.

Difficult points:

现在进行时的用法和动词V-ing 形式的构成。

Teaching Methods:


Teaching Aids:


Teaching Procedures:

Step1. Warming – up

A. Duty report

Teacher: How are you, boys and girls?

S s : Fine, thank you.

Teacher: OK, who’s on duty today?

(the student who is on duty starts to make a duty report)

B. Ask and answer

(The teacher asks some Ss to answer questions and writes down the verbs in the sentences on the blackboard.)

T: Usually, what time do you go to school?

S1: ……

T: When does your father watch TV in the evening?

S2: ……

T: Do you do your homework in the evening?

S3: ……

T: When do you play soccer?

S4: ……

T: what time do you usually eat dinner?

S5: ……

(The teacher should encourage the students after questions.)

The teacher ask the students to read these five verbs for several times.

Step 2. Presentation

A. Match the words and the activities.

Ask the students to turn to page 83, and look at the pictures in 1a.

Then,the teacher ask questions:

----What’s he doing? (Picture 1)

----He’s making a telephone call.

(Help the students answer the question with body language .)

Ask and answer just like that, and finish 1a.(Ss can guess the meaning of doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner and reading.)

The Ss read these V-ing words after the teacher.

B. Play the video.

To make the Ss clear what they are learning in this class. Mr. Gong’s words do give the teacher a big hand.

(Write down the title of Unit 14 I’m watching TV on the blackboard and ask the Ss to read it.)

C. Teach the Present Progressive.

1. Introduction

Tell the Ss what the Present Progressive is. (现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作, 它的表现形式为Be Verbs + V-ing ---- 这也即为它的结构式.)

2. Tell the difference

Write down the V-ing forms by another lines of go, watch, do, play and eat on the blackboard. Ask the Ss to have a look and find the difference between them. For example: go and going, watch and watching, do and doing, etc. Then, ask the Ss to read them again.

3. Listen to the tape.

Let the Ss get ready to listen to the tape (paper and ball-point pen).

Check the answer: 2 4 1

4. Activities.

The teacher acts several actions and say :”What am I doing?”, help Ss answer: ”I’m opening the door.”

(The other actions: look at someone, clean the window)

Write down the three sentences on the blackboard, and ask the Ss to pay attention to the important words underlined:

n What am I doing?

n I’m opening the door.

n What am I doing?

n I’m looking at him.

n What am I doing?

n I’m cleaning the window.

5. Pairwork.

Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in the picture.

u What’s he doing?

u He’s reading.

The Ss can practice different sentences upon the verbs on the blackboard.

6. Guessing game.

The teacher prepare several pieces of paper and there are different actions on it. Ask a pair of Ss to act it out. (Each pair of Ss choose two pieces of paper and act.)

(The Ss must like to do it, so the teacher can ask many pairs to do this game and, the Ss can be familiar with the Present Progressive step by step. They can have fun in the classroom during this class, it’s the most important.)

7. Self-assessment.

The teacher prepare for the Ss some listening exercises, and play the cassette, let them finish these exercises at once. Then, check the answer. The Ss can understand whether they have learned about the Present Progressive.

8. Do the exercises.

The teacher have the Ss some exercises, and ask the Ss to do at once.

--What’s Li Lei doing?

-- He_____________. ( read )

--What’s his mother doing?

--She_____________. ( write )

--What are they doing?

--They_____________. ( play soccer)

--What are David and Mary doing?

--They_____________. (have dinner)

--What’s Jenny doing?

--She______________. ( run )

(In fact, the Ss don’t have enough time to finish the exercises, so they can go on and finish these exercises after class.

Step 3. Homework

1. Finish the exercises in the class.

2. Make a conversation and act it out with your partner.

Step 4. The end

T: You are very good today, boys and girls! And thank you for listening. Bye.





1.根据拼音在田字格内写出相应的汉字。(4 分)

通向语文diàn堂的路上,美景无数:中西合bì的巍巍中山陵、憨态可jū的国宝——大熊猫、问dǐng 苍穹的“神舟”飞船……它们是一首首凝固的诗,意趣幽远,境界隽永。

2.下列标点符号使用错误的一项是( )(2分)





3.下列句子中加点的成语运用错误的一项是( ) (2分)






中华资源库 (1) ,可笑不自量。 (2)桃李不言, 。

(3) 待到山花烂漫时,_______________。 (4)须晴日, ,分外妖娆。


, 。


, 。





(2)下列关于文学名著内容及常识的表述,有错误的一项是(2分)( )












②小明还在论坛上发表了一首与荷有关的古诗,同学们看后,也纷纷跟帖。如果请你也跟帖,你准备引用哪一句古诗? (2分)

, 。


(一) 阅读诗歌,完成第7题。(4分)






7.(1) 诗歌中的“溪”、“山”分别具有: 、的特点。(2分)




8.解释下列句子中加点的词语。 (4分)

①蹄啮伤人多矣( ) ②因诘仆 ( )

来源:③谏议遽召子 ( ) ④是移祸于人也 ( )

9.下列各句与例句中“之“的用法相同的一项是( )(2分)

例句: 贾人安能畜之

A.水陆草木之花 B.予独爱莲之出淤泥而不染

C.事列《神仙》之传 D.放之山下


家 中 左 右 尚 不 能 制

























13. 仔细阅读选文,请将文章的故事情节依次填入下面的方框内。(3分)

借戒指 → ① → ② → 现戒指 → ③

14. 下列对文章的理解不正确的一项是( )(2分)
























1.殿 璧 掬 鼎 (4分)

2.B (2分)

3.C (2分)





(2) ①称呼1分,错误原因(“大约”和“左右”重复)1分,修改方法(去掉“大约”或者去掉“左右”)1分。(3分)




8.(1)①用蹄子踢;踢伤     ② 于是

③立刻,马上       ④这(每空1分)

9. D (2分)




12. 做人诚实 ;己所不欲,勿施于人。意对即可(共2分)



13.丢戒指 赔戒指 还戒指(3分)








课题:Unit 5 On the farm


Step 1 Greeting and warming-up

1. T-Ss greet.(师生问好,活跃课堂,拉近师生距离)

2. T: Look at this man, what’s his job?

Ss: He is a farmer.

T: His name is Macdonald. He has a beautiful farm.

Before class, let’s listen to a song, it’s about Macdonald and his farm.

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. Teach: National Day ,holiday, last

T: What day/date is it today?

出示CAI指名回答These seven days is this week.(CAI出示this week)

These seven days was last week.( CAI出示last week)

T: What date was it?指名回答

T: Yes. It was the first of October.

And it was the National Day. (CAI出示National Day领读)

When National Day comes ,we usually have a long holiday . I had a wonderful holiday.

2 .T:Do you want to know what I did this National Day holiday?

You can ask me what did you do?


3.活动:washed clothes, played computer games, watched a funny cartoon, went to my father’s farm.


T:OK, boys and girls. Do you want to go to the farm?

Ss: Yes. CAI出示农场里人们干活的场景

T:OK,here we are. Now we’re on the farm.

What can we do on the farm?Can you guess?指名回答CAI出示

S1:Milk cows.

T:Great. I can’t milk cows. Can you teach me?示意学生动作。

教师边动作边带领学生朗读milk cows同时出示词组贴到黑板上

T:What can we do?指名学生回答


T:Good. Collect eggs. (CAI出示)师带领学生边做动作读词组。同时出示词组贴到黑板上

T:What else can we do?指名回答S3:?

T:Right. Water flowers.带领学生读短语。

T:What else can we water? It’s big and green.

Ss:Water trees.

T: Good.出示词组water trees带领学生朗读,并将词组贴到黑板上。

T:What else can we water? It’s on the ground.指名回答

Ss: Water grass.看CAI, T :What are these? They’re carrots.领读carrot出示单词图片pull up carrots

T: Let’s pull up carrots.师带领学生做动作读词组,并将词组贴到黑板上。

T:What else can we do?


T:Boys and girls, let’s pick oranges. Boys ,you’re tall and strong, please stand up and pick oranges.


T:What are these? Ss:They’re oranges.

T: Do you want to taste my oranges?问几组学生,Do you want to taste my oranges?

给学生分发橘子出示taste oranges单词图片Let’s learn how to read it.带领学生读/ei/,/ei/,taste.

Step 3 Listen, read and say

1 .T: Helen was on the farm last week. What did she do last week? Let’s ask her together, OK? CAI出示问题,引导学生提问,What did you do last week? CAI出示答案。

T: What did she do last week? Ss: She visited a farm?。

T: Yes, Helen visited a farm with her family on Monday and Tuesday.

Do you want to visit a farm?出示词组visit a farm领读数遍,并将词组贴到黑板上。

T:Helen visited a farm. Here ed is pronounced /id/,领读visited,将ed贴到黑板上visit后面。

2. T:What did Helen do on Monday? Who can ask? CAI出示,指名学生提问。

T: What did Helen do on Monday?引导学生一起回答,She watered trees.拿出ed/d/,领读短语数遍。并将后缀贴到黑板原词组后面。

T: What else did Helen do? Let me ask her.师问What else did you do on Monday, Helen?,please listen ! CAI出示答案。

3. T: What else did she do? Together answer.

Ss: She pulled up carrots.师出示ed/d/,领读单词,并将后缀贴到原来单词后面。

T: Helen visited a farm on Monday. She pulled up carrots and watered trees.贴图Mon. How about Tuesday? Can you ask her? Boys have a try.要求男生齐问。CAI出示答案。

4. T: What did she do on Tuesday?

Ss: She milked cows.出示ed/t/领读该词组,并将ed贴到原单词后面。

5. T: What else did she do on Tuesday?

Ss: She collected eggs.

T: Here ed is pronounced /t/,/d/ or/id/?Which one?引导学生一起复述,Helen visited a farm. On Monday she watered trees and pulled up carrots.

T: How about Tuesday?

Ss: he milked cows and collected eggs.

6. T: Helen did a lot of things on a farm.

What else did she do on the farm? Let’s watch the cartoon.出示CAI,

T: What else did Helen do on the farm?再次出示CAI,提醒学生看屏幕。

Ss: She picked oranges.师拿出ed,

T:Who can add ed for us?指名,stick for us.领读picked oranges

T: She picked oranges and tasted them.师做动作表明品尝。Which one?指名回答。

Here ed is pronounced /id/ ,who can add for us?指名加后缀。

7. T:Were there any fruits on the farm?


T: Were there any apple/pear/banana trees on the farm?学生齐答。引导学生齐说

Ss: There were apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.

T: Nancy wants to go to the farm. So I think the farm is wonderful.(出示wonderful一词,领读)

8. T: Helen did a lot of things on the farm.

She had a wonderful holiday.

But her friend Nancy also had a good time, what did she do last week?

Let’s listen, read and choose. CAI出示,学生听。

提供问题,what did Nancy do last week? OK, you can choose. CAI出示选项。师读三条选项。指名学生回答。

出示watch a film.词组领读。 Here ed is pronounced /t/.指名读音素。并将单词卡片贴到黑板上。

9. T: Nancy watched a film with her family.

Did she like the film?

Did her family like the film?

Yes, they all like the film very much.

T: Let’s enjoy the whole cartoon.播放整篇课文录音。

Do you like the cartoon? Ss: Yes.

T: It’s interesting. CAI出示课文前言。

T:Please read the narration and try to answer the questions. Read by yourself.学生自读前言。

T:Attention please. OK, show time. Is the first day of school after the holiday today?指名回答,带领学生读体现该答案的原句。

10. T: Take out your books and turn to P38,let’s read after the tape, please try to imitate it.跟录音读。

跟读过程中教授fun出示单词卡片贴到黑板上出示CAI,Here are five sentences for you. Read and judge, whether they’re true or false.要求学生拿出课前发的判断题,学生自己答题。

T: Let’s check the answer.集体校对。提醒学生看黑板。

11. T:Look at the screen. Here’re five pictures from the dialogue. I’d like to read it. I want to be Helen. Who wants to be Nancy?指名一个学生与师示范朗读。

T:Choose one picture which you like and practise it with your partner.学生选择一幅图操练指名学生朗读。

Step 4 Retell the dialogue

根据黑板上的短语,指名要求学生复述课文。 (通过复述课文,检查并培养了学生的理解能力和口语表达能力,调动了学生的理解,促进课堂学习效率。)

Step 5 Do a report

T: I had a good time this National Day holiday.

Please look at the screen.(CAI)学生看视频表格,师描述自己的国庆节假期。

T: According to the things what I did, complete the passage. Please take out the paper and write down the words.学生自己根据表格完成短文。



Step 6 Assign homework

1. Listen to the tape and read after it.

2. Copy the new words and phrases for three times.

3. Finish the story about your holiday



1、复习一般疑问句is this a …? yes, it is.

2、复习四个单词a banana , a pear , a mango和a peach。

3、能使用一般疑问句is this a …?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。



会说歌谣mango; 复习所学的内容,要求发音正确。


图片,录音磁带,单词卡片等,预先写好课题unit 5 fruit


step 1sing a song

组织学生齐唱歌曲goodmorning .

step 2 free talk

利用图片复习一般疑问句is this a …? yes, it is.及文具和水果单词。

t: hello, boys and girls. is this a …?

ss: yes, it is.

step 3 play a game




t: boys and girls, let’s play a game.

t: look! this is my bag. there are many fruit in it, but you can’t see it. you can touch and guess. let me try first.(教师将手伸入包里摸一下水果,想一下,然后闭上眼睛推测is this a ..?一边说一边将水果拿出来给学生看,等到学生给予应答后才睁开眼睛看自己说的对不对。)



1 Able to use the sentences: What ‘s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesn’t. He teaches art.

2 Learn the new words and expressions in A and B


What ‘s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesn’t. He teaches art.


Tape recorder ,word cards


1 Warm-up

1Everyday English : 2Let’s sing. ‘My Pen Pal’

2 Preview

1 Play the game

2 Act Let’s talk

3 Presentation

Read and write

1 Show the pictures ,ask: What does she like ? Let the Ss to answer : She likes….

2 Teach pen pal/look the same/something/I live in Australia.

3 T says : Now let’s learn to know what does Alice like? Listen. T plays the tape and Ss read after it .

4 Explain :

5 Read the dialogue and ask the questions: (P.48)

(1) What is Liu Yun’s hobby?

(2) What is her mother’s hobby?

(3) What is her father’s hobby?

(4) What is Slice’s hobby?

(5) What is her sister’s hobby?

6 Finish writing the questions.

7 Teach Ss how to write the four-skill sentences .


4 Consolidation and extension

Let’s play

Do the Exs of the activity book






1)学生两人一组表演对话“In a park”。

2)教师出示第3页Let’s practise中的图片,引导学生用What are they? They are…进行问答练习。


教师将图片books, bikes, desks, cakes, clocks贴到墙上离学生远的地方指着蛋糕的图片问:What are those?引导学生回答:They are cakes。

学生两人一组指着墙上的图片用What are those?They are…进行问答练习。

引导学生说出对近处的一些物体提问用What are these?而对远处的一些物体提问用What are those?


1)教师播放教学课件In a fast—food restaurant,学生观看。

2)通过课件引导学生运用What are these/those? They are…学习有关单词hamburgers/hot dogs。

3)小组问答练习:运用What are these/those? They are… (看着课件图)教师要关注学生的单词发音,注意及时纠正。



6)请几组学生到前面展示, 可用学生自己的姓名, 比如是几个好朋友去逛街买食品。

7)Let’s practise。

教师提示:maps, stamps, caps在近处,cups, ships, jeeps在远处。



趣味操练:Bingo 游戏

将学生分为4人一组,每组一张Bingo 游戏纸;

以组为单位尽快将所学单词:books,cakes,hamburgers,hot dogs,bikes,ducks,swans,geese,maps,stamps,caps,cups,ships,jeeps选任以9个写在Bingo的格中;

每组选一名代表随意说出自己组Bingo格中有的一个词“They are…”




1、Fill in the blanks


2、Let"s sing。






1、热身/ 复习(Warm—up/Revision)

(1) 学生间进行日常对话。

(3) 将学生分两组,一边拍手,一边唱第一单元的ABC song。


(1)字母接龙:教师随便念出一个字母,学生马上反应出其字母前面或者后面一个字母。完成课本第69 页Fill in the blanks的练习,或把它布置成家庭作业。

(2)Bingo 游戏:提前让学生在英语本上画出九方格,游戏开始前,先让学生写下自己喜欢的九个大写或者小写字母。游戏开始,教师或者请一位学生随意念出三个字母,其字母能够连成直线就站起来大声喊出Bingo。

(3)学唱歌曲Sing a song中的歌曲。学生可以一起拍手演唱。教师也可以增加难度,要求学生唱到元音字母时起立。











1Able to use the sentences: What ‘s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesn’t. He teaches art.

2Learn the new words and expressions in A and B

教学重点难点 What ‘s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesn’t. He teaches art.

教学准备 Tape recorder ,word cards


1 Warm-up

1 Ask and answer: What’s your hobby? I like…

2 Review

1 Listen and read.

2Call a few Ss to say some sentences: diving---I like diving.

3 Let’s try

4 Presentation

Let’s talk

1 Show the card ,let the Ss say one by one : What’s your hobby? I like…

2 Listen and repeat

3Answer the questions about the talk

No1:What does John like?

No2 :What does John’s friend like?

Pair work : Make new dialogues with the new words kite show/painting show/bike show.

5 Consolidation and extension

1 Story time

2 Exercises of the activity book


【课题】Lesson 3

【重点】句型Are these/those…?

【难点】有关名词复数浊辅音后面加—s 及单数变复数的读音规律。




2、教师播放歌曲《Twinkle,Twinkle,Little Star 》,学生表演唱。

3、教师拿出一个准备好的盒子:里面装有学生学过的各种文具,让学生触摸后猜,此时教师可以提问,也可以让孩子自己提问:What’s this ? 由猜的孩子回答。教师可以适时引导:Is this a …?



1、教师拿出图片,只让学生看一部分,问:What are these?/ What are those ?

2、学生猜测,可能有的学生在教师的引导下会问:Is this a …?这时教师可以告诉孩子自己手里并不是一个,引导孩子用Are these … / Are those… 提问。教师不要急于公布答案,应让孩子多猜一猜,练习本课重点句型。






3、教师出示词语卡片:map + s = maps [ maps ]请学生读。

4、再出示:pig + s = [ pig ]请学生填。此时教师可以引导孩子回忆、讨论,然后再回答。教师带读单词:dogs pigs eggs bags flags cups


1、教师请一位同学到前面来按要求画简笔画。教师准备一张小纸条,上面写着tree。学生画tree。教师问大家:What is this ?再找两位同学同样画树,教师再问:What are these?Are these trees?

2、下面由教师画,同时提要求:我在画的时候你们可以随时用英语提问。教师边画边引导孩子提问,随着画面的呈现,由孩子自己回答。 Question:What is this?Answer:It is a star。



Question:What are those?

Answer:They are stars。

Question:What are those?

Answer:They are hills。

Question:What are those on the hills?

Answer:They are trees。


6、出示单词:plane spaceship picture star hill tree,指导学生读词。然后再将本课新词拼读几遍。



(1)What is the boy doing?

(2)Is he draw a plane?

(3)Do you like his picture?








1Able to use the sentences: What ‘s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesn’t. He teaches art.

2Learn the new words and expressions in A and B


What ‘s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesn’t. He teaches art.

教学准备 Tape recorder ,word cards


1 Warm-up

1Everyday English :

2Let’s sing. ‘How Do You Go to School?

3Let’s sing. ‘My Pen Pal’

2 Preview

1 Read the words about Part A Let’s learn

2 Listen and read

3 Presentation

Let’s learn

1 Show the theme sentence: Does your pen pal lice in Shanghai? No, he doesn’t. He lives in Beijing.

2 T says the sentences and write the phrases on the Bb, then read after T . [teaches—teaches English]

3 Teach the other in the same way .

4 Show the pictures and make the sentences: Does your father go to work by bike?...

5 Design a game .

6 Listen and repeat .

Let’s chant


Let’s practise(P.49)

Tell about Bill’s day.


John goes to work by subway every morning.

He teaches math at school.

He reads newspapers after lunch.

He goes home at 5:30.

He watches TV in the evening.

He goes to bed at 10.


Properties: Recorder, Overhead Projector and a map of world.

Teaching Objectives:

1. Practise listening ability.

2. Revise the grammar: the Comparative Degrees of Adjective and Adverbs

The Past Perfect Tense

Language Focus: Checkpoint 18

Teaching Procedures:

I. Showing the teaching aims

II. Revision

Check homework, then ask the students to read the partners" homework to share with each other.

Revise the use of the Infinitive

III. leading in

T: Today we"ll learn something about Coco. Do you know where she is from?

IV. Listening practice

Play the tape or for the students to listen and find the answer, then look at the workbook, Exercise 1, go through the questions with the students and make sure they can understand what they mean. Play the tape again, let the students discuss their answers in pains before the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.

V. Presentation

Show the students a map of the world, and ask: What map is it? Help the students find “China” and “India” on the map. Let the students discuss the two countries: They are developing countries. They have a large population in the world.

Ask: What’s the population of China and what’s the population of India? Let the students read Part 2 and answer the questions. (China"s population is 1 328 000 000 and India"s population is 1 000 000 000). That’s to say India’s population is smaller than China’s .Ask the students to use the words in the box to complete the passage, then read together, finally ask the students to retell the text.

VI. Practice

Revise the Grammar: The Past Perfect Tense, give some examples:

1. He had left before his wife came back.

2. I remembered that Peter had already got a bike.

3. By the end of last month, he had learned new words.

4. When I got to the cinema, the film had begun.

Then ask the students to do Exercise 3. The answers are: 1 C 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 D. Let the students read these sentences together.

VII. Practice

Ask the students to do Exercise 4 first, then check the answers. The answers are: had, in, is, more, the, had, to, in, had, that, to, us, and, to

VIII. Workbook

Give the students five minutes to finish workbook. Do Exercises 1, 3 and 4. Then check the answers.

The answers to Exercise 1 are: took, went, found, was, called, told, had happened, said, would go, came, was found, checked, founded, said, stole, went, enjoyed, came, found, had stolen, had

The answers to Exercise 3 are: I worn out 2 try on 3 slow down 4 made up my mind 5 am pleased with 6 were angry with, deserve to 7 at least 8 as if 9 carried on

IX. Summary

Exercises in class

Fill in the blanks according to the text in this unit.

Lucy and Lily are___1___. They are living together___2___. But sometimes they fight. It doesn"t last too___3___. They___4___very well with each other again.

They look___5__, so it"s hard for people to recognize them: Who is Lucy___6__Lily. We always___7___mistakes. They feel___8__. They like most of the same things, for example: music, food and___9__. But Lily likes to___10__, Lucy likes to___11__, they don’t like the same colour,____12___. So they have some___13____Sometimes they disagree, but they never___14__. They love each other and they are___15___happy that they are twins.

Answers: 1.twins 2.most of the time 3.long 4.get on 5.the same 6.or 7.make 8. the same 9. books 10 .dance 11. sing 12. either 13. differences 14. fight 15.both

X. Homework


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