
2019-01-07 高考英语试题



  Waiting for you to come back


  1. 家庭我觉得:无论你做错什麼,。遇到什麼挫折都好,你永远都会记得有爱你的人在家等你回来。。你是我的家人,家中有爱

  Thanks God for granting one lovelily, cleverly and quickly, healthily, so happy, cleverly and puts down the happy daughters of people to give to me!

  2. 我将在这里等你回来。

  I`ll wait here until you come back.

  3. 我会在这里等你回来。

  I will wait for you here until you come back.

  4. 我一直在等你回来,我们好好谈谈。

  I was just waiting for you to get home so we could talk.

  5. 我一直等你回来,站出来接手这一切。

  I have always been waiting for you to step up to the mark.

  6. 我一直等你回来,站出来接手这一切

  Waiting for you to step up to the mark.

  7. 而我总会耐心地等你回来,在每一个绝望心碎的日子里给你安慰,从来都不会因为你所做的糟糕决定而责怪你。每天只要你一踏进家门,我都会欢快的扑向你,当你坠入爱河时,我会为你高兴得团团转。

  I waited for you patien tl y, comforted you through heartbreaks and d is appointments, never 5chided you about bad dec is ions, and 6romped with 7 gl ee at your homecomin gs, and when you fell in love.

  8. 主说:我必等你回来。

  And he said, I will tarry until you come again.

  9. 主说:我必等你回来。

  And he said, I will tarry until thou come again.

  10. 七、是否连续受保如果给予合理的理由,比如你要到外地公干,旅游两三个月,期间不使用车辆,保险公司多数会同意暂时把你的汽车保险停掉,等你回来后再按原来价格恢复保险。

  Seven, whether continuous are given reasonable grounds, for example, you want to town on business, tourist two or three months, during which does not use vehicles, insurance company most would agree to put your car insurance, waiting for you to come back later stopped by the original price recovery insurance.

  11. 你不在我身边时,我苦苦等你回来,以重新开始我的生活。

  When you are gone I'm waiting for you to return so I can start living again.

  12. 我爱你,我会等你,回来,回到我身边。

  I love you. I'll wait for you. Come back. Come back to me.

  13. 我在这儿等你回来。

  I'll be here when you get back.

  14. 我在家等你回来。。。。

  I'll expect you to come to my home.

  15. 亲 爱的,我在等你回来。

  My darling, I am waiting for you.


  我在等你回来 I'm waiting for you ; But to wait for you ; I you get back

  我等你回来 I wait for you return ; I am waitting for you ; i waitting for you ; I wait for you

  倒计时等你回来 Countdown when you come back ; Countdown to wait for you ; You come back down to the last minute, etc

  我会等你回来 I will wait for you ; I will be coming back to you, etc

  老公我等你回来 I wait for you husband

  我等你回来他 i am waitting for him

  等你回来请你吃饭 You come back to your meal, etc

  我正等你回来 I was just waiting for you to get home

  一直等你回来 Been waiting for you back ; Have you come back ; When you come back










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