
2019-01-07 高考英语试题


  opposite 在对面

  multi-storey 多层的

  petrol station 加油站

  motorway 汽车高速公路

  roar 汽车呼啸而过

  overlook 俯瞰

  football ground 足球场

  main-road 主路

  car park 停车场

  rush hour 高峰时期

  pedestrian 步行者

  vehicle 车辆

  lorry 卡车

  van 有篷卡车

  turning 转弯处

  intersection 十字路口

  T-junction 丁字路口

  crossroad 交叉路口

  sidewalk 人行道

  metropolis 大都市

  shopping mall 购物中心

  municipality 市政当局

  municipal 市政的

  district 街区

  residential area 居民区



  outskirts 市郊

  slum 贫民区

  sprawl 城市无计划扩张

  skyscraper 摩天楼

  flat 公寓

  deartment stores 百货商店

  bazaar 集市

  market 市场

  junk shop 旧货店

  newsstand 杂志摊

  town hall 市政厅

  cathedral 大教堂

  chapel 小礼堂

  cemetery 公墓

  theatre 剧院

  museum 博物馆

  fairground 露天广场

  stadium 体育馆

  art gallery 美术馆

  botanical garden 植物园

  monument 纪念碑

  traffic lights 红绿灯




  1. Time: century, year, season, month, week, day, night, hour, quarter, minute, second.

  2. Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.

  3. Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

  4. Week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

  5. Days: the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

  6. day and night: dawn, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, mid-night.


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