
2018-10-04 高考英语试题

To My Most Precious Future Husband,

I don"t even know where to begin. I am overwhelmed by God"s grace and terndernewhich I do not even deserve. I was walking in darkness, but by His grace I am a child of Light. I crave the things of Light. My soul"s desire is to serve God in every way.

You may be surprised by this, but I have been praying for you. Not just for God to send you my way, but earnestly praying for God to be doing a work in your life preparing you to be a godly husband as He is doing in my life so that I may be a godly wife. I want to submit to you and honor you all the days of my life as God commands. I want to be the recipient of your Agape love. I want to give you children, take care of you when you aren"t well, hold you when you are hurting, and lift you up in prayer every single day. I want us to share devotionals, worship God together at church, and raise our children in the ways of the Lord.

I want your family to love me and I want you love your family. Likewise, I want my family to love you and for you to love my family. I want us to share Sunday suppers and have family Bible study. I want to embrace time-honored family traditions and begin new ones for ourselves and our children. I want to worship God as one family unit.

You should know that I have made some mistakes. I have stumbled so many times but God has forgiven me and I have learned to forgive myself. I can only pray than when the time comes for me to share with you some of my past that you can forgive me and I can forgive you of yours. I know that through Christ we can surmount any obstacle.

The most important gift I can give you is my love and devotion. The second most important gift I can give you is my purity. On our wedding day I want to be able to stand before God, the community, and you knowing that I have waited for you and saved every aspect of my se-xuality for you, all the way down to our first kiss. You see, I have given my kiaway before to men who did not respect or appreciate what a gift it is. I have been redeemed through Christ and I"m saving every part of my body and soul in that respect for you and you alone to be reveled in on our wedding day.

I know you"re out there and how exciting it is that God made you just for me! I can only pray you feel the same way about me and you"re just as hopeful as I am. I promise I will love you, honor you, and respect you for as long as I live. I will give you my all. I know there will be struggles and pain, but through Christ we will overcome any obstacles that satan puts in our path. I"m praying for you. I can"t wait to meet you and spend the rest of my life with you.

Your Future Wife,



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