黑童话故事大全 短篇_短篇英文的童话故事

2019-05-10 故事大全

  There are many mice in the house. The man of the house has a cat. The cat kills(杀死)many of them .

  Then the oldest mouse says, "All mice come to my room tonight. Let us put our heads together and think what to do. We can do about(除掉)the cat. All the mice come. Many mice speak , but no one knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says, "We must put a bell(铃)on the cat. When the cat comes near, we can hear the bell and run away and hide. (躲藏) So the cat will not catch any of us. “But,” the old mouse asks, " who will put the bell on the cat?" No mouse answers .The old mouse waits, but no one answers. At last the old mouse says, "It is easy to say things; but it is hard to do them."

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