短语come to rest的翻译是什么

2019-03-25 汉语词典

  短语come to rest的用法虽说是很简单的,但是很多人都不知道come to rest具体的翻译形式。下面小编将为你推荐英文短语come to rest正确的汉语翻译,希望能够帮到你!

come to rest

  come to rest的翻译形式

  英 [kʌm tu: rest] 美 [kʌm tu rɛst]

  come to rest 基本解释

  动词 停止移动

  come to rest的单语例句

  1. He pretty much owned it when he showed up in Turin, and the rest of the field couldn't come close to measuring up.

  2. Perhaps the rest of the country can learn from the Bajie farmers'willingness to innovate, and also from the way the local authorities come out in support.

  3. A few minutes before our train pulled in we were instructed to take positions on the platform where our carriages would come to rest.

  4. We invite the people of Greece and the rest of the world to come to Beijing for the Olympic Games.

  5. Neither do the rest of the Generation Y who did not come out to protest.

  6. Four militants have come forward, and security forces have stepped up efforts to capture the rest.

  7. Much of that has come in the mining sector, which is expanding fast to meet demand from China and the rest of Asia.

  8. The rest would come from raising fuel economy standards for passenger cars, a plan that Bush has proposed in the past but failed to win from Congress.

  9. The rest of the money is to come from Jiangsu Province along the Yangtze.

  come to rest的双语例句

  1. Until at last they'll come to rest one day.


  2. Jason got on his father-in-law's meanderer deluxe and told him, 'Maggie asked me to come out here and tell you that this whole idea of you spending the rest of your life travelling is stupid.


  3. The tiger is a solitary animal; males and females come together only at mating time, to share a kill, or to drink and rest at watering holes in areas with limited water.


  4. Please have a plenty of rest before you come to my class.


  5. When a continental plate come to rest over a hot spot, the material rising from deeper layers


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