
2019-02-19 汉语词典




  英 [tɔ:l] 美 [tɔl]



  形容词 身材高的,高大的; (数量)大的; (俚)过分的,夸张的

  副词 夸大地; 趾高气扬地



  1. She is five feet tall.


  2. Joe is as tall as Lanny.


  3. That's a tall tale.


  4. He is 1 meter 80 centimeters tall.



  1. The rural woman was astonished by the spectacular view but could not get over the shock of being on such a tall structure.

  2. Cinnamomum camphora is a large evergreen that can grow to about 20 to 30m tall.

  3. The capital's tallest building now is Tower 3 of China World Trade Center, which is 330 meters tall and is also in the CBD.

  4. Fleeting CCTV footage indicates that the man is a tall, skinny Caucasian.

  5. A celadon about 27 centimetres tall is sculpted into a man riding a lion.

  6. Having reached the final four of last world championship in 2002, the Tall Blacks put their experience to good use in a nerve jangling final quarter.

  7. An installation by Mu Boyan of a rotund character scaling a tall stepladder depicts how society's individuals are " fat with resources but are never satisfied ".

  8. Once completed, tall buildings have a checkered past in terms of attracting tenants.

  9. A tall white cross stands in the covered stairway to the entrance to the church, while a sign on top says " Christian Church ".


  1. 高的;高大的

  Someone or something that is tall has a greater height than is normal or average.

  e.g. Being tall can make you feel incredibly self-confident...


  e.g. She was a young woman, fairly tall and fairly slim...


  2. (用于指高度)有…高的,身高…的

  You use tall to ask or talk about the height of someone or something.

  e.g. How tall are you?...


  e.g. I'm only 5ft tall, and I look younger than my age...

  我才 5 英尺高,显得比实际年龄小。

  3. 难办的事情;棘手的问题

  If something is a tall order, it is very difficult.

  e.g. Financing your studies may seem like a tall order, but there is plenty of help available.


  4. 昂首挺胸;理直气壮

  If you say that someone walks tall, you mean that they behave in a way that shows that they have pride in themselves and in what they are doing.


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