
2019-02-20 党团知识



  照耀;发光( shine的第三人称单数 );反射光;表现突出;


  n. effulgence,radiance,radiancy,refulgence

  v. beam,gleam,glow,reflect


  1. 转韵一:date:--隔行押韵二:[t] | shines,--转韵一: [s] | dimm'd:--转韵二:[d]

  2. 更多關於:更多關於 shines | 星座: Aries | 學校(其他): AMIK JAYANUSA. PADANG


  1. Your personality shines the brightest and others are radically attracted to you...


  2. These ideas is entirely possible that they are still shines with humanity, justice and fair light.


  3. The late after-rain splendor still shines on pebbles of diamonds glistening on sands of Repulse Bay when you hold my hand and walk me down the aisle of the sparkling golden sea, dancing with reflection of dimming sun rays......


  4. Now in the age of Yuan into a wide Zhuangxin still not old, have the courage to explore the art of storytelling performances of the new form of storytelling so that the essence of art culture that shines out of a brighter light.


  5. You are the candle that shines on the heart of mine till the end of time.


  6. The postmeridian sunlight shines my cheek looked up gently, through stoop covered with a thick layer of honeysuckle.


  7. John- A veil has lifted that shrouded my eyes The folds that lay over me no longer lie Your infinity is revealed to me It shines in your infinite smile It was like a gift floating down through the dark A dove finding rest in the leaves of my heart A feeling inside, an invisible guide Had shown me a way to survive Indescribable night Indescribable night Indescribable night Is it you?


  8. I'm sure you've seen on TV the Pantene commercial where the hair shines like a mirror.


  9. And the sun shines on his face. He is attracted to me.



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