[澳洲签证中心]澳洲签证 在职证明

2019-01-22 证明

May 21th, 2015

Consulate General of Spain in Shanghai

Dear Sir or Madam:

Herewith we confirm that Mr. Wang Hongjun is the Employee of Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital. He will go to Spain for travel/ business visit from 30th Jan 2015 to 8th Feb 2015.

Name: Wang Hongjun

Date & Place of Birth: 11 Mar 1971, Jiangsu, China

Service organization: Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital

Title: Doctor

Passport: G06073089

Current Working Period: 15 Years

Salary (including bonus): RMB3500.00

All costs relating to his stay will be borne by himself. We guarantee that during this trip he will obey laws of your country and be back as scheduled. We will resume his position in our company. It will be grateful if you issue his visa as soon as possible!

Best regards,

Yours faithfully,

Kun Shan Chinese Medicine Hospital

Legal Representative: Peng Haigen


澳洲签证 在职证明 [篇2]

This confirms that MR/MS,employee in our company, intend to

spend his/her holiday on 2015, totally 20 days. He/she will stand all the cost for this journey. We guarantee that after

journey, he/she will come back on schedule and resume his/her position

in our company. Please pass the application freely.



澳洲签证 在职证明 [篇3]


xx先生(xx-xx年1月1日)自2015年9月4日在我们公司财务处,他的月收入是xx-xx元,我们已经知道。我们已经批准他到 期间到澳大利亚旅行,费用由本人承担。我们保证xx-xx先生将服从出境法律,我们将保留他,直到假期结束。








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